Woohoo! I'm doing it! I'm finally doing it! After months of saying I'll get around to selling my knitnax, I'm finally doing it! I'm dorkishly excited about this. I get to knit and babble about knitting and life and how they all come together. What's not to like?
There might be a few kinks while I'm still figuring things out, so please bear with me. I'll get the hang of this the same way I'd drink a mocha: one small delicious sip at a time!
(I just had to throw in a picture of a knitted turtle because it's stinkin' cute if I do say so myself, and you really can't have too much cuteness. :p)
So, ladies and gentlemen, without further ado, I present to you, Kati's Knitnax!
Awww, he's cute! :)